Cool in School: Smart and Light Websites
September 18, 2017 / 1 Comments / in Resources / webmaster

How many among us wished we had a better school website? I have! Schools and school organizations disseminate information to thousands of students every now and then and the task can be quite overwhelming if not chaotic. This challenges the traditional way we do things. Most school administrator and/or school organization leaders stick with what has always been done, not necessarily effective.

Imagine inviting a group people to attend to a meeting, getting everyone’s response, tracking and updating for any adjustments. Or during enrollment, students signing up for different subjects and finding the best schedules for their back subjects. What if there’s a system that could handle all these tasks. Now you don’t have to imagine because there’s certainly web service fix for that - an efficiently done school website.

5 Well Done School Websites

Here’s a list, in no particular order, of best school websites we curated from various sites on the internet for you:

1. Mapúa University -
2. International School Manila -
3. University of Santo Tomas -
4. Trinity Preparatory School -
5. Greenwich Country Day School -

What to watch out on web designs that gets you the points

Functionality, responsiveness
The main purpose of websites on schools is to post events, coordinate people and if a little extra, facilitate essential process like enrollment or library indexing. It’s important though that all the desktop features you built can be used to mobile devices like phones and tablet.

Layout - grid layout is in
Modern layout does half the job of website design nowadays. One look to landing page and you know if you want to use it or just forget about it. The layout and overall appearance of a website is your first impression to visitors, so make one that lasts, one that’s good.

Graphic design, fonts, accent, header
Invest on themed and coordinated design. This will help establish your brand and add credibility to your website as well as all the information you post on it.

Use of images - actual and cinematic images of your school or organization
Find the right image, on the right size and put it in the right place on your website. High definition images may be a little heavy on the upload but it sh

You may think that text contents are boring and outdated but that is only if your text content is boring and outdated. With the right length and angle, you can use content management on your advantage. At the moment, new websites invest on good editorial-style content, front page. Editorial style restructures the technicality and agenda to a level that is relatable to almost anyone.

Pixel8 Web Solutions & Consultancy provide extensive service from the planning to actual launching of websites created for specific purpose - yes, that includes schools and school organizations. Talk to us now and let’s plan the future of your institution or organization today.